I’ve not seen Dune 2 yet, but I do remember the movie and the book from back when. I remember really enjoying the PC game, Dune 2000 (1998’ish) quite a bit. I must have played through it a dozen or so times. I don’t watch a whole lot of TV so I can’t really comment there but I am currently rereading Shamanic Voices, by Joan Halifax which looks at variety of beliefs and spiritual experiences had by various ‘Shamans’ from different parts of the world. Belief in general, to me, is a fascinating topic as there are so many different paths that humans have carved out of the human experience.

Other than that, I’m quite anxious to get started in my garden. Lots of ‘people’ (plants) are already showing themselves and have been for weeks now. The motherworts, plantains, various docks, the mugwort, wild mustards, and even the stinging nettle are all ready getting big. But I don’t touch anything until it’s warmer. There are various types of insects, including various species of bee’s that are hibernating under and in all the plant debris from last year and I do everything I can to protect the bee’s. All that excitement about Spring I’ve been pouring into writing and art, so that helps calm the waves down some.

It’s certainly nice to take a break from the norm isn’t it? Certainly refreshing and often needed as it provides a fresh perspective for when you return.

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Shamanic Voices sounds fascinating. Spring is definitely coming and I'm looking forward to planting. We don't do seeds but we always grow some peppers, cukes, herbs, tomatoes, green beans and egg plants. Sounds like you're quite the gardener though!

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I just like being outside in nature, and gardening is a good excuse to experience those things. I grow lots of food, lots of wild flowers and various medicinal plants that my wife and I find quite useful. I’ve been fascinated with plants as medicine since childhood, so it all comes together in the garden.

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I don't think I've ever felt as immersed in a world as I did watching Dune 2. It definitely made me think of Lord of the Rings. I was also pretty happy with the story choices they made. Pretty awesome!

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