What is this?

Here I play and write about solo games and tools including table top role-playing games, journaling games, world-building games, and (hopefully at some point) board games. Check out previous games/tools/posts in the table of contents:

Maybe you found your way here because you have a similar interest and are interested in following me as I play. Or maybe you like the way I write and the stories that develop. Whatever the reason, I’m glad you’re here! If you want to know more about what solo games are, keep reading.

Solo-games are meant to be played alone, by yourself. No GM. Not co-op. There are a vast number of solo games out there, as well as a variety of tools you can use to potentially turn any ttrpg into a solo game. Some are journaling games, providing you with prompts to respond to and a character that changes over time. Some are role playing games, where you create a character (or multiple) and use Oracles (random tables) that tell you what to do or what happens next. There are so many games, systems, and tools to help players play by themselves. Some are hyper-specific. Do you want to be a field scientist studying cryptids? How about a thousand-year-old vampire? There’s a game for both of those. And they’re fun!

There are many, many games out there where you can play by yourself and experience action, surprise, sadness, tension and adventure.

Maybe you’re interested in this! Maybe you used to role play or play board games with friends around a table but the pandemic has made that difficult, or those friends moved away, or you have trouble finding the time to play with others. There are so many systems and games out there of all kinds. Give them a try. See if what you read here is interesting. You might be surprised how much fun you have playing with yourself.

You can check out the introductory post here.

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Playing games (roleplaying, journaling, board games) by myself


solo-gamer enthusiast. burgeoning game designer. burgeoning is a cool word.